Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I was thinking....

....like I usually do and came to the conclusion that I may want to get into teaching. Hold your horses, not just any teaching but a specific sector for education that I feel is highly passed over in the education.  Finance, high school finance prep courses.  We are talking pre-college courses where the focus is on everything your parents didn't teach you. I think I want to prepare kids for the "real world" full of student loans, credit cards and money.  Face it folks, we live in America where status, fashion and excess are on display daily.

As I think back, I don't recall any finance courses that prepared me for the rigors of college loans and credit card debit.  Either your parents taught you or they didn't is the mantra most live by.  But how much can parents really do? They work, provide for the family, preach values and try and get their youngsters ready for the real world. Parents are not He-Man and Sheera, they are human beings with a full plates, they can't teach their kids EVERYTHING.

I come from a family with many wonderful people to help guide my way.  My mother was a single mother. The reason she got into education was to keep an eye on me at school, go figure.  My Aunt Kiko didn't get into teaching unitl later in life, my Aunt Cindy was a substitute in the Evergreen School District (if I recall correctly) and my ever amazing Uncle John was and still is involved in educational process (he taught CWP at Prairie High School and continues to be involved with the educational process with a nationwide entity) and last but not least, my cousins Mylei, Jamie and Gabriel who all work for a school district.  I don't know if it is my calling but I do believe that there needs to be more information and education available to high schoolers who are about to enter the job and college world.

What do you think? Where you properly educated in the world of finance when you were in high school?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Up and Running....Finally

Yes ladies and gentlemen, someone actually gave me permission to run my own blog. What a huge mistake. This site is a work in progress as I learn the ropes of "blogging." I really hope I don't turn out like those guys sitting in Starbucks on their computers sipping lattes. Even if I do, who's really going to question a 6'2" black man? Didn't think so.

There will be more to come as I do have many updates. The site is pretty naked right now but the more I learn the sexier it will be. I encourage all my friends and family to follow on Twitter or Facebook. The site will be used to talk about everything. From sports to Glen Beck (Yup, I will be taking jabs at all sides). Nothing is censored from this site, that's the great thing, so I encourage you to put your two cents in on topics and conversations.

Thanks for stopping by,